Saturday, June 13, 2009

Deer, garden protection needed

Here's a picture of some deer that were close to the house. We've seen deer tracks in the garden and will probably need a fence.


A rainbow appeared following a recent storm.


Chicklets, peeplets, ... bug patrol!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wild Turkeys

We've spotted wild turkeys on the farm recently on several occasions. Yesterday afternoon I decided to bush hog some brushy area under the power line and I spotted a momma turkey on her nest. I was going real slow through some real thick heavy growth and I was standing up on the tractor so I could take a good look at what I was driving through when I saw a small opening and I stopped. There was a big brown bird sitting on a nest looking at me. At first I thought it was a big duck. I was up there on the tractor, the tractor and bush hog were running making a bunch of noise, and the turkey was just sitting completely still looking at me. I decided to take a picture, but by the time I did the turkey flew away into the trees. I did take a picture of the nest, there were at least 6 large eggs in it. The nest is basically only accessible by air. I then backed the tractor up, cut a wide path around the nest area, and left. Debby thinks (and I agree) that I should probably wait until Fall to cut any more of that area.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Last night I went out for my evening pigeon chores (changing three water drinkers and closing up the lofts) and saw some deer in the pasture. I went inside and got the binoculars and saw we had a group of five bucks. Their antlers could be seen coming in. Last weekend we bought three mineral licks, I've only put two of them out so far. Each one weighs 50 lbs! This spring I planted clover and horse pasture mix, good for horses and wildlife.