Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Minus 5 degrees F January 29, 2014

This morning it was -1 degree F in Knoxville.  It was -5 degrees F here on the farm this morning.  We had a couple inches of snow in the storm yesterday, Knox county schools released early yesterday and are closed today and tomorrow. 

The Emory river is covered in ice topped with snow. 

Fortunately is was clear and sunny today with little wind.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Another below zero morning temp Jan 24, 2014

The temperature hit -0.9 degrees F at the farm this morning. 

Hopefully all of this cold weather will put a dent in certain insect populations such as the hemlock woolly adelgids. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Another cold snap, 5 degrees F January 22, 2014

We had about 1/2" of snow and the temperature was 5 degrees F this morning.  Big wind gusts yesterday afternoon, enough to overturn a fairly heavy "peacock" house (made from OSB and 2x4's, 4'x4'x4' and sitting on the ground) and our basketball goal which had 300 lbs of sand in the base.  More cold forecast for the next few days.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Minus 6 degrees F on the farm January 7, 2014

Yesterday morning the temperature at the farm hit a low of -6 degrees F.  Definitely the coldest temp we have experienced in a while. 

The temperature has remained below 20 F for last two days. 

We worked very hard around the farm and all of the animals have come through the cold spell in good shape. 

Yesterday morning the sun was shining and the temperature was still -3 degrees F and and I saw a group of about 20 pigeons flying laps above their loft, enjoying their morning flight, apparently oblivious to the cold.

We had about 1" of snow on Sunday night and it may start to melt today.

One of our dogs came in the house yesterday afternoon with icicles on her fur.