Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Last night was just beautiful, the weather was cool, the sky was clear. So we had a nice bonfire, cooked hotdogs, roasted marshmallows, made smores for the kids, looked at the stars, told stories, and listened to the wildlife sounds. Everyone was having a great time and then we started to tell a few scary stories for the kids.

While doing this we heard an animal start to howl, and then another, and another, until we heard what sounded like a pack of coyotes howling, and they sounded quite close. Pup-pup, our super dog, all fifteen pounds of him, tore off into the darkness barking, so I said to the gathering that he was probably going to be a coyote snack.

Well, that did not go over well, everyone was very scared indeed, except for myself and Debby, as we were used to this and knew that there was nothing to worry about. The timing of the coyotes could not have been better either as we were all settling into our chairs around the fire, wrapped in blankets, and had just started to tell some scary stories.

The kids were terrified at the thought of a pack of wild coyotes nearby, and John was especially upset at the thought of Pup-pup getting eaten by the coyotes. A certain guest of ours, a certain sister-in-law of mine, reacted by asking if we had some guns and then she went to her car and beeped the horn and then went inside the house with the children.

Pup-pup returned in about a minute, as we knew he would, and the kids settled down and came back outside to enjoy the bonfire. The kids then had a slumber party and all slept together in the living room last night and had a great time.

This morning, July 1, the temperature was 52 degrees outside, with dew and some fog. Very nice.

We've got tons of blackberries growing around the farm, yesterday morning the kids picked a bucket full of ripe blackberries. This morning Debby made some homemade blackberry muffins, yum!

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