Thursday, August 14, 2008


Heard the following story on the radio this morning on the way to work.

A realtor in a small town is scheduled to show a home to two different families. The first family asks the realtor if he thinks they will like it there. The realtor responds by asking how they liked it at their last place. They replied by saying it was a lousy place and they could not wait to move. The realtor then told them it was about the same situation in the new town and that they probably would not be happy.

The realtor then met with the second family and they also asked if he thought they would like it in the new town. The realtor asked them how they liked their last place. They responded that they really loved their last home and were sorry to leave. The realtor told them that they would feel the same way about the new town and would be very happy there.

The world is not as we see it, it is how we are.

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