Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Papa's Birthday Old Rag Hike

On Saturday April 4 we climbed Old Rag mountain to celebrate Papa's 77th birthday! Mary Claire joined us for the first time and she did awesome! Mamaw and Papa got to hike with all four grand kids. We had a lot of wind, probably the most wind ever for the hike, so we limited our time at the summit. There was a nice fire going in the Birds Nest shelter, we spent some time there. The day began with breakfast at McDonalds in Warrenton. Papa won our game where we guess the number of cars we will find in the Berry Hollow parking lot when we arrive (7). We climbed the mountain, ate lunch together, met a lot of nice people, had a wonderful time. After hiking back down the mountain a few of us refreshed our feet in the freezing cold mountain stream. We then headed back to Vienna where we had a wonderful Swiss Fondue dinner (thanks to Greg and Mark) followed by birthday cake (Mamaw's famous carrot cake).

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