Friday, July 4, 2008

Blog, Interrupted.

This morning we lost our internet connection. We have a DSL line to the house and we have a DSL wireless router in the living room. The router has two wired connections, a power cable that plugs into the wall, and a two wire phone jack connection for DSL/internet.

This morning our bunny named Lucky was hopping around the living room and he decided to chew on the DSL/internet cable. He did this once before, it must be a yummy cable.

No harm, no foul. We cut out the damaged section of cable and spliced the two pieces together and are now back online.

Oh, by the way, Happy Fourth of July! Be safe, have fun!


Diane said...

Love reading your blog! Deb, finally got to see your bunny. What a cutie. And I absolutely love Peanut.

The kids are getting so big. Time goes so fast.

chip said...

Glad you like the blog. I thought that Debby said you had some rabbits, do you have any now?