Tuesday, August 12, 2008


As you must know the summer Olympics are now underway in Beijing, China. Of course there is a pigeon angle to this, because traditionally at the games there will be a release of doves (homing pigeons).

Apparently during the very first Olympic games in Greece the man who won the marathon race sent a pigeon home to his village with a piece of ribbon tied to it's leg, this was to send the news of his victory back home.

It seems also that pigeon racing is a very popular sport in China, I think that about half of all the pigeon fanciers in the world are in China.

I saw that the American women's fencing team swept the medals for their event. Last night we did some fencing at the RockDoveFarm and while there were no crowds or medal ceremonies we had a wonderful time and were rewarded with a beautiful sunset and lovely evening.

This morning it was a cool 50 degrees F outside, just delightful. While doing my pigeon chores I noticed I was able to see my breath, so I had to share this with my wife. Debby came outside and was also able to see her breath. This is on August 12, 2008!

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