Friday, December 26, 2008

A Christmas to Remember

For Christmas dinner we had grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. It was very good but not quite the feast we had planned.

Me, SuperDad, the Chipster decided to ride the new horse with the new tack (saddle/bit/etc) for the first time. Debby warned me that it might not be a good idea. All went well at the beginning of the ride. I was riding Morgan in the field and our young stallion Spirit was galloping nearby in the pasture, envious of the attention that Morgan was receiving. Morgan decided to go fast, the saddle was not cinched on properly and began to slip (wardrobe malfunction), and SuperDad hit the ground hard. SuperDad did not bounce up like those rodeo guys on TV. SuperDad remembers hitting hard on his left side and saying "Ouch, Owwww". Debby said that SuperDad passed out for about 45 seconds. While unconscious SuperDad apparently made some gurgling sounds, had his eyes open wide, even stopped breathing at one point. Not good. SuperDad woke up, Debby was on the phone with 911, help was on the way.

I hurt pretty bad, my left thigh, left hip, and all the ribs on the left side. I laid on the ground, fortunately it was a beautiful day. Emergency personnel arrived and strapped me to a board (not comfortable) and took me to the hospital which is five miles from the farm. I spent about two and a half hours at the hospital. I received excellent care, X-rays, Cat scan, etc. The doctor said he did not think anything was broken, perhaps there was a displace rib fracture, that the radiologist would review the X-rays the next day. They gave me a prescription for vicodin, and sent us on our way.

I was and am in a lot of pain. I was worried that I might have messed up my left hip. My ribs hurt if I move or breathe. Seriously. Debby and the kids will be doing my farm chores for a little while.

If you remember, Debby visited the same ER less than two months ago on Halloween. We're not doing too well with holidays lately.

In spite of it all, we truly feel that we are very fortunate and very blessed.

Christmas dinner will be postponed this year to the 26th.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are feeling better! Debby wont admit it but she was really worried about you =) The horse is really pretty! I hope to meet him one of these days.