Friday, September 18, 2009

Washington Tea Party

Mamaw and Papa attended the big Tea Party in Washington, DC a week and a half ago. They traveled into DC on the metro train and said the trains and stations were completely filled with people going to the rally. Mamaw and Papa said that people were singing patriotic songs in the trains and that everyone was well behaved.

While at the rally they were told that the park service estimated the crowd at 1.5 million people, although the mainstream media, those that decided to carry the story, put the number at several thousand people. Hmmm.....

One hand held sign at the event said "I'll keep my God, my guns, and my money; you can keep the Change".

Mamaw and Papa said they had a wonderful time at the Tea Party and that the reason they attended was that they wanted their grandchildren to be able to grow up with the same liberty and freedom that they enjoyed.

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