Sunday, April 10, 2011

New, new alarm clock

OK, long time since posting on the blog. We lost several chickens and our rooster over the winter months due to hawk attacks. Hawks also killed and ate a bunch of our pigeons. Last month Debby and the kids bought a new rooster, he's a Rhode Island Red name Opie One Kenobi. So far so good.

I had a TWRA officer visit a couple of months ago to ask if we could take an injured pigeon, which we did. I told him about the hawk problems and he said that we could kill them if they were killing our chickens and pigeons. I was surprised to hear that, but it's good news. Some of the hawks are just crazy, Debby was outside and watched a hawk swoop down and kill a chicken not far from where she was standing. Another time a hawk got into a pigeon loft and Debby was getting it out and the hawk managed to sink all of the talons from one of it's legs into Debby's hand. Debby went to the doctor and got a tetanus shot and all of her lymph nodes swelled up.

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