Sunday, January 3, 2010


We celebrated Christmas at home on the farm in TN this year. Our celebration began on Christmas Eve Eve, and continues still. Our Christmas tree is beautiful, hopefully we'll keep it for a while.

John and Mary had friends come visit or spend the night on a couple of occasions. There was a home school group party on Christmas Eve coupled with a visit to a nursing home where the children passed out cards they had made and sang Christmas carols.

Following that we attended the Children's mass on Christmas Eve. The children's mass is always nice, Father Michael always has the children come up front and sit around him. Then he asks questions and the children provide the answers. Father spins everything together about Christmas and the church and our faith in a very simple Sunday School type of way.

Debby had picked out a few nice DVD's for the family to watch over the Christmas holidays, so in the evenings we all snuggled in together on the sofa with blankets and Pup-pup of course, usually with a nice snack or even some home made hot cocoa and whipped cream or marshmallows.

Christmas morning was hectic as usual, the Children just cannot seem to wait until the sun rises. I took a few pictures but it was dark and the kids were so excited that they appear like a blur. It was a wonderful Christmas.

John received the Dell netbook that he has been wanting so much and some Legos. Mary received American Girl presents and clothes. Nanny gave the kids a trampoline! Mary also got her ears pierced and a set of ear rings on December 26.

Christmas dinner included lamb, mashed potatoes and Debby's fantastic baked spinach, mmmmmmmmm.

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