Monday, January 4, 2010

Iceberg Warning!

This morning as Debby was driving the kids to home school co-op she called me at work to let me know that there was an iceberg warning for the Emory river near our farm. Ha Ha! They got me, it's a family joke, let me explain.

We have an emergency weather radio in the house, you can program it to alert on various types of emergencies and for what county they are issued. There are probably 100 different alerts, they range from high wind, fire, smoke, thunderstorm, tornado, amber alert, etc.

When I first got the radio I set it up for our county and a couple of adjacent counties and with all alerts enabled. That was a mistake as the radio was constantly going off (sometimes in the middle of the night) on all types of low priority "nuisance" alerts.

I re-programmed the unit, disabling all emergency alerts except for tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms. But there was one other alert that I enabled, you guessed it, iceberg warning. I just really wanted to know if there was an iceberg warning! That was our family joke, living in East TN, that I needed to know about iceberg warnings.

The last two days were very cold and this morning there was ice on the Emory river. So Debby and the kids thought it would be fun to call me and tell me that we had an Iceberg Warning. Ha, yes it was fun!

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