Sunday, November 2, 2008

Scary Halloween

On Friday afternoon Debby called me at work and told me that she felt sick and needed me to come home right away. She was complaining about a vision problem in her left eye, a headache, dizziness, and numbness in her left hand. I talked to her on the phone as I rushed home. I called our doctor and Debby spoke to the nurse. The nurse said we should go to the emergency room and that's what we did.

At the hospital they put Debby in a room and connected her to a blood pressure monitor, heart monitor, etc. They did a CT scan and bloodwork. After a couple of hours the results were back: Debby is in perfect health but was showing classic symptoms for a migraine headache, something she has never before experienced.

The doctor said that with migraines one needs to be careful with salt, caffeine, and stress.

This medical event put a serious crimp in our Halloween plans, we missed a party at a friend's house but I was able to take the kids to a planned Trunk or Treat event at a baptist church in Kingston. Mary dressed as a princess, John as a scary ghoul. Both had a wonderful time. Unfortunately no pictures :(

At the end of the day we counted our blessings. Debby got a thorough medical check and is in perfect health. The children enjoyed Halloween with their friends.

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